- Account Day
- Accrued Interest
- Admission to dealing
- Agency Orders
- Allotment
- American Option
- Amortization
- Arbitrage
- Asset
- Authorized Capital
- Bear
- Bear Market
- Bearer Security
- Beneficial Owner
- Bid
- Black Knight
- Blue chip
- Board Lot
- Bond
- Bonus
- Bull
- Bull Market
- Call Option
- Capital
- Capital Market
- Certificate
- Certificate of Deposit
- Churning
- Clearinghouse
- Closed end Investment Company
- Collateral
- Commercial Paper
- Commission
- Common Shares
- Conglomerate
- Contingent Order
- Contract Note
- Convertible
- Coupon Payment
- Cum-Bonus
- Cum-Dividend
- Cum-Right
- Cumulative Preference Shares
- Current Assets
- Current Yield
- Cyclical Stock
- Dealer
- Dealing Date
- Debenture
- Depository
- Derivative
- Dilution
- Dividend
- Dividend Cover
- Dividend Yield
- Equity
- Eurobond
- European Option
- Ex
- Ex-bonus
- Ex-Dividend date
- Ex-Rights date
- Excessive Trading
- Exchange
- Exchange Rate Risk
- Extraordinary Item
- Extrinsic Value
- Face Value
- Fail to Deliver
- Fixed Asset
- Forward Contract
- Futures Contract
- Gearing
- Gilt Edged Bond
- Good Delivery
- Goodwill
- Greenmail
- Grey Knight
- Hedge
- Holding Company
- Hostile Takeover
- Hot Issue
- Hot Money
- Insider
- Insider Trading
- Interim Dividend
- Intrinisic value
- Issuer
- Junk Bond
- Killer Bees
- Lame Duck
- Leveraged Buyouts
- Liabilities
- Limit Offer
- Liquidity Ratio
- Listed Company/ Listed Security
- Listing Agreement
- London Interbank Offered Rate (LlBOR)
- Long Position
- Margin
- Market Maker
- Market Price
- Material News
- Maturity Date
- Member
- Merger
- Money Market
- Mutual Funds/ Unit Trusts
- Naked Options
- Narrowing the Spread
- Net Capital Rule
- New Issue
- Non-cumulative Preferred Shares
- Non-Cyclical Stock
- Odd Lot
- Offer Letter
- Offer Price
- Open Order
- Option
- Ordinary Shares
- Pari Passu
- Penny Stocks
- Poison Pill
- Preferred Stock/ Preference Shares
- Premium
- Price Earnings Ratio
- Primary Market
- Program Trading
- Prospectus
- Proxy
- Proxy Battle
- Put Option
- Rally
- Random Walk Theory
- Record Date
- Redemption Price
- Registered Bond
- Repurchase Agreement (Repo)
- Rights Issue
- Secondary Market
- Securities Firm
- Settlement Date
- Short Position
- Short Sale
- Sleeping Beauty
- Speculation
- Stagflation
- Stop Loss Order (or) Stop Order
- Swap
- Tender Offer
- Trading Floor
- Transfer Agent
- Transfer Forms
- Transferee
- Transferor
- Treasury Shares
- Trust Deed
- Underlying
- Underwriter
- Unit Trust
- Vanilla Issue
- Volatility
- Volume
- Voting Rights
- Warrant
- White Knight
- Window Dressing
- Yankee Bond
- Yellow Knight
- Yield
- Zero Coupon Bond
Mutual Funds
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